

Fast-Fourier-Forecasting Resource Utilisation in Distributed Systems
Paul J. Pritz, Daniel Perez, Kin K. Leung
arXiv preprint (Accepted to ICCCN 2020.) 2020
PDF: [arXiv]

Step on the Gas? A Better Approach for Recommending the Ethereum Gas Price
Sam M. Werner, Paul J. Pritz, Daniel Perez
arXiv preprint (Accepted to Marble 2020.) 2020
PDF: [arXiv]

Uncle Traps: Harvesting Rewards in a Queue-based Ethereum Mining Pool
Sam M. Werner, Paul J. Pritz, Alexei Zamyatin, William J. Knottenbelt
Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (Received Best Presentation Award.) 2019
PDF: []